Mattoboard Challenge Submission

Submit Your Moodboard

Your entry will be evaluated based on creativity, adherence to the theme, practical functionality, and visual appeal by our highly qualified tutors.

Complete the Form

About You


A * next to a field title shows that field is a required input.

Note: Please provide at least ONE form of social media, this is used to tag you should we post your moodboard.

Submission Details

Upload Your Moodboard

Upload Your Mattoboard*

Please upload your mood board in JPEG or PNG format, suitable for sharing on social media. Max file upload 50mb over 5 files. Have larger files? Get in contact at

Before You Submit

Media Consent*

In accordance with the provisions of current data protection legislation and protection principles, I hereby grant the National Design Academy permission to create and use media productions, using my likeness, in any photograph, video, or other digital media in all its lawful publications. I understand this is without payment or other consideration.

I agree to assign all other performers’ rights to The National Design Academy, noting that all photos/videos will become the property of the National Design Academy. I am waiving any right to approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears.

I have read and understand the above release. I confirm that *I am at least 18 years of age, or, I have obtained the required consent of my parents/guardians as evidenced by their consent given below.

What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

The National Design Academy is the only design school to be able to offer this funding as our Diplomas are all fully accredited by AIM Qualifications.