Where To Stay (Nottingham)

Planning on staying nearby?

If you are attending an in-studio Diploma course at NDA Nottingham you may need to find accommodation nearby. We have listed some local hotels and accomodation websites below. All bookings should be made directly with the hotel/websites.

Our Nottingham studios are ideally placed just 5 mins drive from Nottingham station and 20 mins from the M1 junction 25 or 26. You can find us using the address and map listed or follow the link below for directions;

Colwick Hall Hotel

Just a short walk from the National Design Academy, Colwick Hall Hotel is a small country house hotel set next to the river Trent in Colwick Country Park.

Premier Inn

Nottingham Arena (London Road) hotel.


A hotel booking website where you can find more hotels in Nottingham convenient for your visit to the National Design Academy.


An accomodation booking website where you can find more properties in Nottingham convenient for your visit to the National Design Academy.