Register Before 21st August

It’s Graduation, Celebrate With Family, Tutors & Peers


Join us on Graduation day. Wednesday, 4th September 2024.


The Exchange Bar, 50 Rutland St, Leicester, LE1 1RD.


14:30 to 16:30 (Pop in any time during these hours).

Last Year’s Graduation Highlights

About The Event

We’re excited to be hosting our graduation day drinks reception again for 2024. Come celebrate your special day with family, friends, classmates, and tutors. Register your place below. 

Make sure to register by Wednesday, 21st August.

Come and go as you please

Our receptions booked between 14:30 to 16:30. Feel free to pop in anytime during these hours.

Celebrate with your Tutors

Celebrate your achievements. Raise a glass with your tutors, Anthony, Simone, Sarah and Molly.

Friends & Family welcome

It wouldn’t be a party without friends and family – bring them along! Make sure to add them as guests when you register.

1 minute walk from the Curve

We know graduations can be busy, which is why we’ve booked our reception venue just a 1 minute walk from the Curve.

Register Your Attendance

To attend the drinks reception, you must complete this form by Wednesday, 21st August 2024.

* We may use your telephone number on the day to contact you,

** You can bring up to 4 guests with you. If you would like to request more guests, please contact us.


Media Consent

In accordance with the provisions of current data protection legislation and protection principles, I hereby grant the National Design Academy permission to create and use media productions, using my likeness, in any photograph, video, or other digital media in all its lawful publications. I understand this is without payment or other consideration.

I agree to assign all other performers’ rights to The National Design Academy, noting that all photos/videos will become the property of the National Design Academy. I am waiving any right to approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears.

I have read and understand the above release. I confirm that *I am at least 18 years of age, or, I have obtained the required consent of my parents/guardians as evidenced by their consent given below.


Where to Find Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Our reception is open between 14:30 and 16:30. You can join us at any point during this time.
There isn’t a dress code for the reception. Feel free to come in the clothes you feel most comfortable in.
That’s okay. If you are unable to make the reception, don’t fill out the form. If you change your mind you can do so by filling out the registration form by Wednesday, 21st August 2024.
Of course you can!

Any Questions About Our Graduation Reception? Get In Touch

Any Questions About Our Graduation Reception?

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