Top PR tips – the whole list!

Here is the whole list of the best ways to kickstart your new business from blogging to competitions and freelance to work experience. Get your note pad out and start scribbling.


1.Start blogging it’s free , quick and can widen your target audience dramatically. You can get your creative juices flowing and plug your business with maximum results. Blogging is a popular PR tool because the practise is less corporate than a website. Blogs have a softer tone and more personal feel which viewers are attracted to.

Blogging can be time-consuming and requires dedication, but if you stick to your goals you will see the benefits. Have a look at the blogs listed below, some are professional and some not, but you can still learn valuable techniques from both.

Design Sponge –
A Professional chic home interiors blog with fun food recipes and delightful pictures

Decor8  –
Another professional home interiors website with a kick

thedesignhub  –
My blog has just recently been set up and features interior design news, events and features

NDA Interior Design News –
The National Design Academy specialise in Interior Design distance learning courses and cover all aspects of design news and updates on their blog

Anna Hansson –
A simple blog which relies heavily on images to convey style and information

Cannelle Vanille –
This award-winning blog is beautifully presented with magnificent pictures and poetic writing.

2. Attend every event possible, whether your and exhibitor or visitor. Events like Birmingham Home Show, Decorex, and Ideal Home Show are crammed with industry insiders. It’s networking heaven and the perfect opportunity to sell your business. When meeting and greeting, start with “Hello my name is ….” then pull out your business card. The idea is by the time you’ve told them what your business is about, your card is already in their hands. But don’t steal their customers, word will get out and taint your business reputation.

3. You don’t only have to aim for the biggest shows, look out for local charity events, exhibitions or school fairs. You could give away a free mini makeover in the village raffle – be generous and smart to reap the rewards.

4. Prepare yourself for the unexpected! You never know who you might meet on the 4 o’clock train to Kings Cross, so keep spare leaflets and business cards at the ready. You never know, you may have a Kate Moss moment and get scouted!

5. Get yourself actively involved in relevant organisations such as your local Rotary Club, Art and Design museums, government bodies, or institutions like the British Institute of Interior Design.  Making sure your finger is in every pie and that you’re in the thick of what’s happening. This will improve your chances of keeping your business up to date and in the loop.

6.” It’s who you know not what you know” is a very true statement. Do you have any friends or acquaintances who work in the press, local radio or television that can give you a cheeky plug in their article or show? This will give you bigger media coverage and cost you zilch.

7. Competitions are another way to give your business a good kick-start. You could celebrate the opening or your business with a prize giveaway like store vouchers, a free design consultation, room makeover or design master-class. This will definitely get the public interested because everyone loves a freebie.

8. Become a freelancer as well as a business person. Write articles about subjects within your expertise and demonstrate your professional stature. This will build your professional reputation and people will link this with your business. You can contact local magazines, papers or niche publications like Wallpaper and Also, many educational bodies like The National Design Academy in Nottingham, (specialists in Interior Design Distance learning courses) commission writers to help develop course material for their students. This is a great opportunity to educate others and offer your industry expertise.

9. Offer your services as volunteer speaker at various events. You will be highly regarded by your peers and portray yourself as a respected professional with a respected business.

10. Learn from the best. Get yourself in with business which has already become successful and shadow them for a week. It’s amazing how much you can learn on the job and you may build strong links and continue to work with them in the future.

Good Luck business newbie’s!

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