Thousands of free Grand Designs Live tickets up for grabs

Hurry! There are 10,000 free tickets for the home improvement show up for grabs. Simply enter code FTGDL11 at the Grand Designs Live online booking page. Select when you want to go, how many tickets (max two) and the tickets will be sent to your email for you to print.

There are 500 available for the April/ May bank holiday(Sat 30th April – 2nd May) and the remaining 9,500 for Tues 3 May – Fri 6 May. Weekend tickets usually cost £14 but are £18 on the door, and weekday tickets £11 and £15 on the door.

The tickets are valid from Sat 30 Apr – Fri 6 May 2011, you can book online with discount code FTGDL11. The offer expires  Tuesday 31 Mar or when 10,000 tickets have gone. Maximum 2 tickets per household.

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