Student of the Year 2014

2013-14 has seen an incredible array of detailed, imaginative and thought-provoking work being submitted by our students.

It is at this point in the year when the tutors can reflect on the progress of all students and from the list of this years’ graduates, pick out one outstanding student to be named ‘NDA Student of the Year – 2014’.  It gives us great pleasure to announce that the title this year is awarded to Vicky Hedley, who graduates with an FdA in Interior Design (Distinction).

Vicky has always been of a creative nature, studying Art & Textiles at GCSE and A-Level, and then going on to study a BTEC Foundation in Art & Design, with a focus on Graphic Design.  After studying on the BTEC Foundation course, Vicky opted out of studying further at University and instead, gained a job in marketing.  For the past 10 years, Vicky has followed this path, working in numerous creative marketing and web design roles.  However, as Vicky states,

“These roles have been within financial services and I have therefore felt restricted in my creativity, especially for the few years leading up to starting this course”.

Vicky has always had a great passion for interior design and whilst looking for a part time degree to satisfy her design curiosity, she came across the National Design Academy.  The balance of being able to study, develop her knowledge of the interiors industry and still work at the same time, was a perfect combination.

With her experience in marketing, web design and brand management, these skills became of great use to Vicky as she progressed through her FdA course.

Below, we hear from Vicky’s tutor at the National Design Academy; Vicky Arbuthnot, regarding Vicky’s success and reasons for why she was chosen as this years’ ‘Student of the Year’.

“From the first moment I saw Vicky’s work (for her Module 1 submission) it was clear that she had such strength in visual communication.  It isn’t often that students begin a course and have such a refined attention to detail when it comes to presenting work and an understanding of how to get the most out of a page, whilst being clear with your ideas.  This is usually something that takes time to develop as you the designer, become confident with your own design style.  However, it was clear that Vicky’s experience in marketing, branding and web design would stand her in good stead for the remainder of the course, and something I looked forward to seeing develop over the next couple of years.

Whilst Vicky has a very clearly-defined structure of presentation and aesthetic to her work, I have seen this, over the years, being strengthened even further.  One of the most important things I believe as a designer is to not rest on your laurels and constantly strive to develop and improve yourself.  This is something Vicky has achieved during the course; analysing what she has to do (from an assignment point of view), reflecting upon any criteria set by a design brief, imagining how best to communicate her ideas to a client and doing so clearly, effectively and with style.  Every module, I have seen these qualities being reflected through all areas of her work; with her development of style and analysis being enhanced even up to her final module submission.

It is also testament to Vicky’s skill and quality of work, that examples of her presentations are showcased in our online gallery; a valuable resource for all of our prospective and current students to gain inspiration and motivation for their own development.

I am delighted with Vicky’s progress over the past couple of years and cannot think of a better recipient for this years’ ‘Student of the Year’ award.  I hope to see Vicky continue with her studies by progressing on to the BA (Hons) year and know that she has all the skills and knowledge to become a very successful designer in the future, whatever sector of the industry this may be”.

The tutors and all at the National Design Academy would like to congratulate Vicky on her outstanding achievement and dedication to the course.  We wish her success in her future studies and design career.

Well done, Vicky!

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