Student Spotlight: Caroline Wright

Our Spotlight for August is looking at the work of Caroline Wright who is currently enrolled onto the National Design Academy Professional Curtain Making Diploma.


Caroline’s background was as a Primary School Teacher which she enjoyed immensely but has always had the desire to start her own business and become her own boss. We caught up with Caroline to find out a little bit more about her sewing background along with her new curtain making business Rue Interiors where she specialises in making beautiful bespoke curtains, blinds and soft furnishings for your home.

Tell us about your sewing experience?

There has never been a time in my life when I have not sewn. My Gran taught me to embroider and use her old Singer sewing machine. She made all her own clothes which always fitted beautifully along with soft furnishings. It never occurred to me as a young adult to buy these but make them myself instead. I was making curtains for friends even when I was still teaching. I moved house, when I was pregnant with my second child and employed a professional curtain maker for the first time as I was so busy at school but it soon became apparent that I could do a better job and so a seed was sewn in my mind. I knew it was what I wanted to be doing.

Curtain example - National Design Academy Student


Curtain example - National Design Academy student


What made you decide to enrol onto the NDA Professional Curtain Making course?

I was looking for a formal qualification. I have done numerous courses and training in the past but none were accredited. I knew it had to be an online course as I live in a rural area and needed it to fit in with my commitments to current clients and family.


Curtain example - Student spotlight


When was ‘Rue Interiors’ established and what was your inspiration behind setting up this business? How did the name’ Rue’ evolve?

Rue Interiors started two years ago and has largely been a word of mouth and mostly Roman Blinds. It’s now gathering momentum and I have taken the plunge with advertising along with setting up my new website. My business plan was formulated whilst on holiday in France. I was sitting in a terrace looking for inspiration for a name to my business. I started experimenting with French words and settled on rue, the French for street!


Caroline Wright - curtain making


Caroline Wright - National Design Academy Curtain Making

What have you learnt about working alongside new clients?

Previously my clients have been through recommendations but I have recently started working closely with an interior designer. It’s been fascinating sitting in consultations with her clients and studying their relationship.

As I have said, my business is still in its infancy and I have found it a completely different dynamic working for a client for which you don’t have any prior knowledge.


What skills have you found most beneficial since starting the course?

It had been twenty years since I had written any kind of essays, so relearning how to express myself in a formal writing format has been useful. I have relished the opportunity to research and write short assignments on topics I have not previously been exposed to. Looking at different aspects of the ‘art’ of curtain making in detail has really enabled me to improve the quality of my work. The feedback from an experienced Tutor has really helped me improve my practical technique. Finally, as time management has been a stretch, the course has shown me that I can work to multiple deadlines whilst balancing business and family life.


Contemporary fabrics - Professional Curtain Making


Caroline Wright work - Diploma Professional Curtain Making - National Design Academy


Check out Caroline’s website to view some of her projects and gorgeous window treatments. Read her Journal and try the amazing recipe for pancakes!!!

If you are interested in studying the Diploma in Professional Curtain Making and Soft Furnishing or any of our other courses then please visit our website. Alternatively, you can email us, or call us on +44(0) 1159 123 412.

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