Student of the Month – February 2015

Ruth Jewson has been chosen as February’s student of the month for her outstanding work throughout her curtain making & soft furnishings course.

About Ruth’s course

The Diploma in Curtain Making & Soft Furnishings is accredited by Aim Awards and is one of our more specialised qualifications here at the National Design Academy.

This diploma is the ideal course for students who wish to tackle individual projects or alternatively those choosing to add a professional accolade to aid their career in the curtain making and soft furnishings industry.

The core elements covered in this course range from measuring & design of window treatments to construction techniques, right through to business advice for starting your own company. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, qualification and confidence that they require to start up their own practice, or alternatively, offer them a pathway to further study.

 What Ruth’s tutor says…

“Ruth’s love of sewing led her to start making curtains for family and friends.  After speaking with a friend who had already successfully completed the curtain making course with the National Design Academy she decided to embark on the course herself to learn extra skills and give her the confidence to offer her curtain making and soft furnishing services to the wider public.  She now visits clients and is able to accurately measure their windows and give advice on curtain treatments and fabrics to enhance and improve the windows and the room setting.

Student work

Ruth has consistently sent in work of a very high standard and with a professional finish.  Although she has still to complete the final two units she already has a healthy order book for her curtain making business. I see a successful business in the making, if you are an interior designer looking for a good curtain maker I would certainly recommend Ruth.  Well done Ruth!!”


To sign up for our curtain making & soft furnishings course visit: or alternatively call: 0115 9123 412.

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What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

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