Student of the Month – Rem Abdalla & Rebecca Cooper

Back after a short break (how time flies!) the Tutors have decided to focus on two students who have submitted hand rendered techniques for their recent assignments to be highlighted in our Student of the Month feature.

We know many students feel they have to be very confident with computer design packages – but this work shows just how effective hand rendering can be – it’s very important that students find the way they are most comfortable at working!

Reem Abdalla

Reem, who has progressed from our Diploma in Interior Design onto the Foundation Degree course has just completed Module 2. This work has been selected due to the creative presentation and hand rendered techniques. Her distinctive drawing style has demonstrated a clear understanding of the subject matter whilst providing a great insight into her overall design scheme.

Rebecca Cooper

Rebecca has just completed Module 1 of the Foundation Degree, this work has been selected again for the creative presentation and hand sketch techniques. Rebecca has experimented with a variety of mediums to create a pleasing mixture of primary and secondary research. This demonstrates that she is developing her own personal style and is not afraid to demonstrate this further.


Well done to both of you – keep up the good work!

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