Student of the Month – May 2012


For May’s Student of the Month we have chosen two students. They have both just completed module two (space planning) within the foundation degree. Both have approached the development aspect of this module in different ways and have both been successful for different reasons.

The tutor team felt that both approaches should be awarded student of the month as they highlight the various skills required at this level.

Natasha Hussey has conducted a great deal of background research and this has been demonstrated through a highly accomplished sketch book format. It is important to conduct background research at this level in order to achieve a well considered solution to the design brief.

Stephenie Staples has also conducted in-depth background research and this is reflected in her layout development and the clear and logical progression of design ideas. This started with a wide variety of schematic plans which were then developed to include furniture layout options with detailed annotation explaining each choice. The unusual pod design scheme was rejected by Stephanie because of the amount of wasted space. However, she clearly considered very different options as a solution for this design brief.

Congratulations to both of you.

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