Student of the Month – January

Oli Watts is our first Student of the Month of the new year, well done Oli!

Oli is currently studying the Level 3 Professional Diploma in Interior Design and we have chosen him because of his fantastic work for module five.

His development sketches demonstrate a detailed analysis of the space. Using sun studies, traffic flow and zoning areas, Oli has produced a variety of different layouts, all relating to the clients needs.

When asked about the course Oli said: “I’m keen to build upon the Diploma and progress to the Foundation and Bachelor degree. The course so far has been very enjoyable and worthwhile with excellent support and feedback from my tutor.

“The course modules positively challenge you to develop and apply creative solutions and embed discipline in following and sometimes…’flexing’ the brief.

“I hope further successful development will create opportunities for me to pursue this as a full-time career.”

We wish you the best of luck Oli!

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