‘Spare’ Light-Object

Design: J.P.Meulendijks


Material: 26 light-bulbs
Dimensions: 260 x 260 x 260 mm.

“SPARE incandescent”: One light-bulb burns, the other light-bulbs function as a lampshade, diffusing the light. When the bulb is burned out: simply screw the lamp-holder on to another bulb. After +- 25 years the whole lamp is completely used up. Don’t throw it away then: you can still use it as a lampshade or as a light-bulb-tribute- relic.

“SPARE led”:constructed from 25 clear lightbulbs and 1 clear LED-bulb that burns +/- 50 years. The LED-bulb will light up the other bulbs. In a few years, when there are no regular bulbs left anywhere, you will still enjoy the light of your “SPARE” bulbs.

Until next time


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