NDA Design News

Antique inspired upcycling: modern metro tiles and antique furniture. Image McQuin Partnership Interior Design

Upcycling & Antiques

Antiques inspired Upcycling Interior Design Trends : Have you ever inherited or been given a piece of antique furniture which you have stored away because you don’t know how to

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The National Design Academy visited this years Index Interior Design Exhibition

Index Interior Design Exhibition

The National Design Academy visited this years’s Index Interior Design Exhibition in Dubai: After the success of last year’s Exhibition, the National Design Academy had a few very busy days at this year’s Index

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What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

The National Design Academy is the only design school to be able to offer this funding as our Diplomas are all fully accredited by AIM Qualifications.