NDA Design News

Wearable Furniture!

This wearable furniture outfit by Hussein Chalayan is the perfect clothing solution for the arrival of unexpected guests or if you are invited out at the last moment. Just step

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Paint or Die but Love Me

This fabulous table (with an equally wonderful name) is by French designer John Nouanesing. Visit his website for more extraordinary concepts. www.johnnouanesing.fr Until next time Anthony

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Graduation 2010

Students and families defied the weather to celebrate the graduation of almost 100 National Design Academy students at Staffordshire University’s graduation ceremony, held on Friday 16th July. The ceremony, set against

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What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

The National Design Academy is the only design school to be able to offer this funding as our Diplomas are all fully accredited by AIM Qualifications.