NDA Design News

‘Spare’ Light-Object

Design: J.P.Meulendijks www.planktonstation.nl Material: 26 light-bulbs Dimensions: 260 x 260 x 260 mm. “SPARE incandescent”: One light-bulb burns, the other light-bulbs function as a lampshade, diffusing the light. When the bulb is burned

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Dubai Hub Update

Following a successful trip during the summer, the NDA are once again visiting Dubai to explore the establishment of a Student Support Hub in the Emirates. We have a number

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What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

The National Design Academy is the only design school to be able to offer this funding as our Diplomas are all fully accredited by AIM Qualifications.