October Newsletter

Welcome to the October newsletter

Last month we wrote about our successful open day and how lovely it was to see so many prospective students show a real interest in interior design.

One of our most popular activities at the NDA are the design workshops that we run on a monthly basis. On 2nd October we held our highly popular Technical Drawing workshop run by Sarah Watts.

Sarah Watts

“The technical drawing workshop for beginners was held at the start of October and once again students found this extremely helpful and the day was a great success. Although this was a small group, it gave the students the opportunity to focus on specific areas of concern as well as ask plenty of questions.

This workshop was a very practical and hands-on class, consequently, by the end of the day all of the students had an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the importance of several different drawing aspects. The day started off with a clear explanation of the difference between a plan and an elevation and identified the key drawing conventions that would typically be used. The different scales were identified, with a clear explanation of how to use dimensions and apply these to the scale ruler.

Students followed a step by step process of how to draw a technical floor plan and wall elevation whilst presenting both these drawings to a professional standard. This is the perfect workshop for those students who have never used scale or produced a technical drawing before.”

Student of The Month – Kinjal Maganbhai Tanti

We have selected a student from our BA (Hons) Interior Design course to be October’s student of the month. Kinjal Maganbhai Tanti has been awarded this highly esteemed title based on the exceptional work she produced for Hotel Design module of her degree.

What Kinjal’s Tutor Says…

“Kinjal has been a consistently good student throughout her Foundation Degree, challenging her abilities and skills to progress as a professional Interior Designer. Kinjal is currently working through her BA Degree and has been selected as our October ‘student of the month’ for her submission of the Hotel Design module. This design project demonstrates the skills and knowledge Kinjal has gained throughout her studies, particularly her technical abilities, and the implementation of computer software to produce 3D visuals.”

Congratulations Kinjal and well done, keep up the good work!

Date for the Diary: BIID Seminar

Professional Practice Series (1): Understanding Strategy and Writing a Business Plan

There will be a CPD seminar held at RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD on Thursday 14th November. Everyone is welcome to attend this event; tickets are £125 for BIID members and £165 for non-members and must be purchased prior to the event.

The seminar will be led by Dr Rachel Smart, Design Business Consultant. Rachel will be discussing practical approaches for business start-ups as well as how to re-invent existing and established businesses to update the specific business strategy. For more information and to reserve your ticket online simply visit the BIID website.

Pop in and see us in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

We are very excited to announce that the National Design Academy will be in KSA on Wednesday 13th November. We would very much like to welcome you to our NDA gathering at the Hilton Hotel in Jeddah, KSA, from 2-4pm.

We would love the opportunity to meet some of you face to face, so please feel free to pop along and say hello. The gathering is an informal event and a chance for KSA based students to meet up with our National Design Academy representatives as well as get to know other NDA students in the area.

The staff in KSA will be Helen Keighley, Director of Quality and Business here at NDA alongside Rola al-Zobai, Design Tutor for NDA.

Please let us know if you are able to attend by emailing ar@nda.ac.uk before Friday 8th November. We look forward to seeing you there!

Meet the team

This month we’ll be talking to Luke Fitzgerald our in-house Videographer who joined the NDA in August this year.

“I recently retrained having decided to steer my career in a new and exciting path. Consequently, I enrolled on a course at Staffordshire University and gained a first class BSC (Hons) Degree in Film and Television. I have a passion for creating and documenting events and courses via the medium of film and am greatly enjoying my new role as Videographer at the National Design Academy. I believe that video content provides a more interactive form of learning and communication and will cater for a variety of learning styles with both visual and audio pieces. We have an array of exciting video projects in the pipeline, so watch this space!”

Welcome to the team Luke we hope you enjoy the new role!

Anthony Rayworth’s Theme of the Month

On Thursday 31 October, I was delighted to attend a formal banquet at the elegant Carpenters Hall, London, held by the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers to celebrate the granting of a Royal Charter in recognition of the Company’s pre-eminence, stability and permanence in its role in the furnishings industry.

Displayed in the foyer of Carpenters Hall was the ripple ash High Chair which had been designed and made by Katie Walker. The High Chair is to be presented to Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, for the use of HRH Prince George.

For more information please visit: https://www.nda.ac.uk/news/?id=187

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