New Interior Design Workshop Dates Announced for 2011

Following the success of the 2010 Interior Design Workshop programme, we have recently published dates for 2011, which also includes new workshops, particularly with Computer Skills for Design

Our interior design workshop programme for 2011 ensures all students have a wide variety of workshops and dates to choose from.

Workshops at the academy are available to all – both students and non-students, although most workshops are specifically designed to help aspects of studying any of the distance learning interior design courses and soft furnishings courses offered by the National Design Academy. These highly popular day-long workshops prove a huge success for students that make the journey to the Nottingham based academy, with many non-students signing up to an interior design course after having such a good learning experience.

The Workshop programme includes many aspects of interior design and soft furnishings, with the most popular being hands-on computer based for design work, or practical sewing skills for those interested in a career in soft furnishings or curtain making.

A selection of the workshops available;

  • Photoshop
  • Sketchup
  • Visual Presentation
  • Roman Blinds Made Easy
  • Perspective Drawing
  • Technical Drawing
  • Creative Lighting
  • AutoCAD

Anyone interested in securing a place on a workshop should contact the National Design Academy direct on 0115 9123412.

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