NDA Turns 30 – 30th Anniversary Celebration

On Friday 1st December, to officially mark the start of the NDA’s 30th Anniversary year, the National Design Academy held a celebration highlighting the fantastic achievements of the past 30 years of student success for the NDA. The event bought together NDA partners Staffordshire University, Leicester College, Central Lotus and AIM Awards, as well as former students and staff.

The day began with guests enjoying a champagne reception. It was the perfect opportunity for guests to gather and share stories of their time with the NDA. Former students could catch up with tutors, and fellow NDA alumni could talk about where their journeys after National Design Academy studies have taken them.

30th Anniversary Celebration BlogSome guests watching intently as the highlights film played.

Following the reception, guests were invited to enjoy an NDA 30th Anniversary video viewing. The NDA media and design teams worked hard to build two brilliant films, one comprising of the highlights celebrated by the academy over the last 12 months, and another with interviews with students and tutors who have all been a part of getting the NDA to this milestone.

In the 30th Anniversary video, Marianne Shillingford, Dulux Creative Director and former NDA tutor shares some fantastic stories of her time as a tutor and how her time with the NDA has stuck with her throughout her career to date. Pauline Riley, Academy Director brings the film together, telling the history of how the NDA came to be and sharing tales of the National Design Academy in its infancy, to how far it has come today.

Watch the video below:

Another guest of honour featured was former NDA Professional Interior Design Diploma student, Pauline. We recently had the chance to go and meet with Pauline at her new Interior Design business where she shared her experience at the NDA 16 years ago, when Pauline joined the academy in 2001.

The evening continued with food and drink flowing as the NDA staff, friends and family enjoyed reminiscing and sharing hopes for the academies future.

It was a fantastic event bringing together so many familiar faces from the NDA since its founding in 1988.

Thanks for reading!



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