National Design Academy Graduation – Class of 2016

Graduation Day

On Friday, 15th of July 2016, National Design Academy (NDA) and our academic partner Staffordshire University, joined to celebrate the Graduation of the Class of 2016. The ceremony was held at Trentham Gardens Staffordshire; the beautiful Italian Gardens by the lake being the perfect setting to celebrate the day.

Graduation day is looked forward to by everyone at the NDA and is the highlight of our year. As National Design Academy students had studied for their Interior Design Degrees Online, both British and international students finally had the opportunity to meet their Tutors and each other, face to face.

After visiting the Gowning Room to be fitted for their ceremonial gowns and mortar boards, our students made their way to the main graduation ceremony. This year students were graduating with Foundation Degree FdA Interior Design, Bachelors Degree BA (Hons) Interior Design, and Master’s Degree MA Interior Design. The award ceremony was conducted by Staffordshire University Chancellor Lord Stafford and the Vice Chancellor, Professor Liz Barnes.

National Design Academy Graduation 2016, Staffordshire University Chancellor Lord Stafford and Vice Chancellor Professor Liz Barnes

Staffordshire University Chancellor Lord Stafford and Vice Chancellor Professor Liz Barnes walking to the Graduation ceremony.

National Design Academy Champagne Reception

After the Ceremony, the NDA hosted a Champagne Reception for our amazing graduates and their families and friends. There were plenty of photo opportunities with NDA photographers on hand to capture photos of the graduates with their Tutors, fellow graduates and family.

Pauline Riley the Academy Director congratulated graduates from all parts of the world and praised their skills for having managed a career, a family and many other commitments at the same time they were studying for a degree online.

Pauline announced that from September 2016 there would be a new progression scholarship available to help all National Design Academy students to progress onto higher levels of study.

There then followed a toast to the amazing success of the Graduating Class of 2016.

Graduation 2016 - NDA Tutor with FdA graduate

Vicky McClymont, National Design Academy Tutor, with her student Jennifer Wright, graduated with FdA Heritage Interior Design.

NDA Tutor with BA (Hons) graduates

Sarah Wilkinson, National Design Academy Tutor, with two of her students who graduated with BA (Hons) Interior Design. Linda Robinson and Fiona Starford-Burton

NDA Director of Studies with MA graduate

Anthony Rayworth, National Design Academy Director of Studies, with Vanessa Nunes Uribe, who graduated with a Master’s Degree, MA Interior Design.

Anthony Rayworth, NDA Director of Studies, also praised the exceptional quality of all the graduate projects and presented Ali Champain with the National Design Academy Student of the Year Award for her amazing work and her progress from the Diploma in Professional Interior Design to graduating with a BA (Hons) Interior Design.

Student of the Year award

National Design Academy Director of Studies, Anthony Rayworth, presents Ali Champain with the ‘Student of the Year’ award for graduating BA (Hons) Interior Design

All photos taken on the day are available to download on the National Design Academy website. Don’t forget to share and comment about your experience on your social media!

And of course, you can watch the Official NDA Class of 2016 Graduation Ceremony video here.

Finally, we interviewed some of our graduates on camera, to talk about their experience with studying for an online degree with National Design Academy. The video will be available soon on our blog and social media. Stay tuned! You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

This year there were National Design Academy Graduates for:

Foundation Degree FdA  Interior Design, Retail Design and Heritage Interior Design.

Bachelor’s degree BA (Hons) Interior Design, Retail Design, Heritage Interior Design and Design for Outdoor Living.

Master’s Degree M.A. Interior Design

Congratulations to the National Design Academy Class of 2016, we wish you every success!


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