NDA Graduation 2018

National Design Academy Graduation 2018

We recently celebrated the 2018 Graduation of our NDA degree students. The celebration took place at the stunning Trentham Gardens in Staffordshire and the sun shone for the occasion allowing all to enjoy this special day.



As NDA courses are studied online, graduation holds a special place for both students and staff. Tutors who have built relationships through years of emails, skype calls and support finally have the chance to honour the student’s hard work.


Watch the Graduation 2018 Video

Watch the video below to see the action captured by our expert videographers:


Hear from our tutors

As Graduation is such a special time for the tutors, as well as students, we wanted to share a couple of quotes they shared when summarising the event.


“It was such a privilege to be part of our student’s big day and they’re success, it was a genuine pleasure to meet so many and see how proud they were of their achievement, after all of the hard work!” – Stephen, NDA Tutor



“It is always a pleasure to meet with students face to face at graduation, this year was no different. My highlights included meeting family members who have supported graduates along the way; seeing proud children, partners and friends made the day extra special. Conversing with students about the design projects and plans graduates are already perusing is always insightful as the transition from student to qualified professional becomes so clear. Gifting our graduates with a bottle of champagne and seeing the genuine surprise on David’s face as he received the student of the year award was great to see. Looking around and seeing photographs being captured, caps and gowns everywhere, lots of smiles, nominees and graduates being interviewed and enjoying the general celebrations of the day alongside the tutors and NDA team was great. Finally watching the NDA students walk across that stage officially becoming a ‘graduate’, this is always a proud moment to be a part of. It was wonderful to part of such a momentous occasion for our students, congratulations to you all!” – Simone, Senior NDA Tutor



We just want to again congratulate all of the 2018 graduates and wish you well in the future. Remember, we would love to hear from you and share your success as you progress into your Interior Design careers. If you want to share your story, please get in touch by emailing: andre@nda.ac.uk






To find out more about our degree courses, click here: https://www.nda.ac.uk/study/courses/ba-hons-degree

Thanks for reading!



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2 responses

  1. Looks fantastic, but I also couldn’t make it. I’d already started my new job in design!

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