NDA Case Study: Gina Everett | Foundation Degree (FdA) in Interior Design

“I would recommend the NDA because it is a fun and student-driven establishment with plenty of support if studying open learning. It has great processes in place to get all the information you need for each section of your course but also to improve yourself further with the recommended reading lists and extra workshops.”

After leaving school, Gina Everett was renovating properties in Norfolk where she lived at the time. When she moved to London, she was asked to run a high-end furniture shop who supplied people like Harrods and Nordic Style. When managing this concept store she was often asked how she put the room set together and what goes best with what. She found that she really enjoyed these questions and started her Diploma in Professional Interior Design with the National Design Academy to gain more knowledge in interior design and moved out of London to have her baby girl. She then decided the best thing would be to open her own interior design firm once her daughter was in school, so she started looking into the process and branding as well as starting her Foundation Degree (FdA) in Interior Design with the National Design Academy.

She then decided the best thing would be to open her own interior design firm once her daughter was in school, so she started looking into the process and branding as well as starting her Foundation Degree (FdA) in Interior Design with the National Design Academy.Within a few months of looking into things, someone at Grand Designs, asking if she would come and design a room set at the Grand Design Live show contacted her. Daniel Hopwood and Sophie Robinson would judge it, and Kevin McCloud would visit her set.

Within a few months of looking into things, someone at Grand Designs, asking if she would come and design a room set at the Grand Design Live show contacted her. Daniel Hopwood and Sophie Robinson would judge it, and Kevin McCloud would visit her set.When she agreed, the company running the show ‘Media 10’ suggested that she started her company earlier and use this as a launch platform. Having only been in her Foundation Degree a few months she was nervous but also agreed it was the way forward, so Create Perfect was born.

When she agreed, the company running the show ‘Media 10’ suggested that she started her company earlier and use this as a launch platform. Having only been in her Foundation Degree a few months she was nervous but also agreed it was the way forward, so Create Perfect was born.

Since doing Grand Designs she has worked with clients in Malta, Kent, the Cotswolds and Canary Wharf and has won awards in Business from Theo Paphitis, won Houzz ‘best of 2017’ and has also been asked to complete a ‘magical’ room set for the Ideal Home Show Christmas with Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen.

Gina answered a few questions to a National Design Academy interview.

Gina, could you please tell us what you were doing before you started your course with the National Design Academy?

After leaving school, I was renovating properties in Norfolk where I lived at the time. I moved to London after being asked to run a high-end furniture shop who supplied people like Harrods and Nordic Style. When managing this concept store, I was often asked how I put the room set together and what goes best with what was already in customers’ homes – finding I enjoyed these questions.

Why did you choose to study with the National Design Academy?

I did a lot of research into the courses when choosing my Diploma. It was the best option for price verses course material for a credited open learning course. Even the pictures of the college itself on the website made me feel it was the right choice for me. Once I had completed the Diploma in Professional Interior Design, I liked the way the courses were run and the tutors were all helpful. I was active in the community and made several friends even though it was open learning – this was important to me so I chose to stay with the NDA for the Foundation Degree too.

In your opinion what were the most valuable skills you learnt whilst on the course?

On the Diploma in Professional Interior Design, I think it was about the presentation of your work and how to get your ideas down to show these to the client in the best possible way.

On the Foundation Degree (FdA) in Interior Design – so far it has been more on the technical side of things that has been more valuable.  Learning how to put together the relevant documents for a customer including lighting plans and specifications. This has already helped my overall process in my day-to-day running of Create Perfect.

What have you gone on to do since you finished your course?

I am still half way through the Degree but since opening Create Perfect after my Diploma, I have been a finalist at the Grand Designs live show. I have worked with clients in Malta, Kent, the Cotswolds and Canary Wharf. I have also won awards in Business from Theo Paphitis, Won Houzz ‘best of 2017’ and was asked to complete a magical room set for the Ideal Home Show Christmas with Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen.

What are your plans for the future?

It has been a roller coaster of a year that has just been unbelievable for me and seen my business grow exponentially. I plan to move this forward and have recently looked at expanding my company to add new members of staff to help me manage my workload.

Would you recommend someone to study with the National Design Academy, if so, why?

Yes, of course. I would recommend the NDA because it is a fun and student driven establishment with plenty of support if studying open learning. It has great processes in place to get all the information you need for each section of your course but also to improve yourself further with the recommended reading lists and extra workshops.

Below, you can find some images of Gina’s work and if you can find out want more information about her company please visit www.createperfect.co.uk.

The National Design Academy would like to thank Gina for her participation in this case study and wish her the best success for the future.

If you are interested in studying the Foundation Degree (FdA) in Interior Design or any of our other design courses, then please visit our course page to find out more information. All the degrees are awarded by our partner, Staffordshire University. Alternatively, email us at admissions@nda.ac.uk or call us on +44(0)1159 123 412.

Gina Everett

Gina Everett

Gina Everett

Gina Everett


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