Last Chance for FUNDED Design Courses!

Due to Government cut backs, the funding currently available for accredited Further Education courses, including NDA Diplomas, will end in August 2013. This will affect both online learning and studio courses. Course Fees will increase substantially as a result of these cut backs – apply now whilst funding is available and course fees are still low!

The NDA Diplomas in Interior Design, Curtain Making & Soft Furnishings and Garden Design are accredited by AIM Awards (equivalent to A-Levels) and provide a great introduction to design that will develop the skills and confidence required to turn your hobby into your career.


You can work on projects for family and friends or progress with NDA onto a flexible, online BA (Hons) Degree, validated by our partners, Staffordshire University. No previous qualifications are required.

To enrol visit to and complete the online enrolment, or call the NDA enrolments team on 01159 123412 and claim funding for your course today. You can start your course at any date to suit you.

To qualify for the funding that is currently available you must meet one of the following criteria;

  • I am a resident of England who has lived in England for the last 3 years
  • I am an EU citizen who is domiciled in England
  • I am a foreign national who has lived in England for the last 3 years (if outside of the EU we will require proof of permission to stay)
  • I have a BFPO address

and you MUST have a valid, permanent National Insurance Number.

If you want 2013 to be the year you make that career change you’ve always dreamed about – don’t delay, enrol TODAY!

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What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

The National Design Academy is the only design school to be able to offer this funding as our Diplomas are all fully accredited by AIM Qualifications.