Kitchen Trends 2019

Written by NDA tutor, Stephen Matthewman-Knowles

With the Christmas decorations packed away and the New Year already upon us, this can be a time to take stock and look again with fresh eyes at our interiors. Of all the rooms over the festive period, it will often be the kitchen that can take the most abuse. So if you are in the mood to inject some new life into the interior that is the domestic workhouse of the home, read on and see what interesting new trends are likely to come our way in 2019.

Banquette seating and two-toned cabinetry were big in kitchens last year and show no signs of abating soon. Only this year thing more bold with colour choice and maybe even combine woods and colour as an alternative to take on the two-tone.


Contrasting finishes:

This is one of the big trends for kitchens in 2019, applying a mix of different finishes, textures and materials are certain to add not just interest, but impact too. Introducing unique layers with the kitchen will add depth to the design, for example, thick marble tops set against a backsplash of a highly polished mirror will create a look that demands attention and adds drama. Also, the consider incorporating metallic into the scheme, such as subtle inlays within the cabinetry itself, to complement the look, try a sandblasted timber door or a matt painted finish to really celebrate the contrasts.


Integrated Appliances:

For those looking to declutter this year, then the revival of the fully integrated kitchen will be a welcome opportunity. 2019 sees a resurgence in manufactures reapplying themselves in the delivery of clever and enigmatic design. Developments in finishes have allowed for wider ranges of flush fitting induction tops, to be complement by super slim extractors and hoods. Technology has allowed for more adaptable and versatile appliances, which sit secretly away as if forgotten about. With the additional flexibility in cabinetry too, there is no excuse to see unwanted countertop appliances disturbing the linear elegance of your new space. Hideaway unwanted necessities and delight in the aesthetic of nothingness.


Feature Pendant Lighting:

Getting the lighting in your kitchen right can make or break the design. So when the basics have been covered and done properly, give some consideration to another of this year’s big trends, Feature Pendant Lights. Do well this can elevate your kitchen design to another level, it will add a statement to the space and will provide instant sophistication, not matter whether your style is modern or classy. Feature lighting such as this creates real intent. Some I am all too aware of having worked for Clive Christian, the designer credited as the first person to introduce a chandelier to a kitchen environment.


Digital Technology:

If hiding your appliances aren’t for you, then maybe embracing the technology within them is. Digital Technology is set to become one of the hottest trends around. With the advancement of some much smart solutions, then it was inevitable to find appliance manufactures begin to develop technological improvements we didn’t think we needed. One of the more eye-catching of these is the wine dispensary, from brands such as Datron and Dacor. Both these manufacturers have created domestic temperature controlled wine dispensaries. Allowing you to stock up on your favourite wine and access them at a touch of a button. Other manufacturers such as Bosch are developing a full range of smartphone compatible appliances. Known as the ‘Home Connect’ system, this specific range of goods is designed to be controlled from the touch of a smartphone. WiFi enabled appliances allow you to communicate right across the kitchen, from fridges and cooking to washing and cleaning, right down to being able to pour the perfect espresso, all via a simple tap of a screen. Others manufacturers, like Siemens, are also making the most of the home connect system, by parting with Amazon’s Alexa, it means creating the perfect cappuccino is a no longer a problem you need concern yourself with, thanks Alexa, I think!



Finally, when it comes to striking out on the right colour tend this year there are two big and bold players. Firstly, 2019 promises to be a real breakthrough year for Matt Black, it has been around a short while, but it’s presence hasn’t been fully appreciated until now. This year will see matt black really make an impact. Expect to find it not only of your taps finishes but also creeping into a number of other finishes within the kitchen. It is a finish that has migrated across to numerous other items including the refrigerator, proving that this finish has arrived and is here to say for the foreseeable future. Speaking of bold colours, then it another big hitter that is making its presence felt this year too, namely Hunter Green, a rich, dark, luxurious green that will add impact and drama to any new kitchen space in 2019. Whether it is used on contemporary cabinetry or on the more classical kitchen style, the one thing to be sure of is that it will make a statement. Complementary to any wood finish and sexy enough to sweet talk any marble countertops, this colour is brave and it is bold and will really add that luxurious touch to any new space.


Hopefully, this has encouraged you to take a fresh look at your own kitchen space, maybe it has even tempted you to try something new. If you are about to be inspired, then we would love to see the outcome, don’t forget to tag us if you have something you want to share with us. Thanks for reading!

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One Response

  1. “Me while reading the blog :
    *Looking at the first picture
    Ooh, nice cabinet color.
    *scrolling down
    Oh yes, pendant lighting. I need one right now, they look so cooooool.
    *scrolling down
    Espresso at the top of the screen? WHAAATT ????? *running to research on this

    Great article 😀 And no, thank you for writing!”

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