January at NDA

Welcome back to NDA Interior Design News for a new start to a brand new year.

January is a busy month for us as we have lots of workshop courses taking place, here is the complete list:

9th January – Hand Drawing Workshop
10th January – Hand Drawing Advanced *NEW FOR 2012!*
11th January – Rendering Workshop
12th January – Visual Presentation Workshop *Useful for: Diploma in Professional Interior Design/ Diploma in Professional Curtain Making & Soft Furnishing/ All Foundation Degree and BA Honours Modules*
23rd January – AutoCAD Workshop *Useful for: Degree students only*
24th January – AutoCAD Advanced Workshop *Useful for: Degree students only*
25th January – SketchUp Workshop
26th January – Photoshop 1 Workshop
27th January – Photoshop 2 Workshop

All the workshops will be taking place in our brand new re-fitted studio! Which we can’t wait to to show you when it is fully finished.

To book onto one of the workshops you can book online or call us on 01159 1234 12.

Our Workshops have been specifically created to provide a focussed short learning experience for absolutely anyone who wants to attend. Some Workshops are directly relevant to specific Courses or Modules as noted next to them.

Workshops run from 9.30am – 4.30pm. An NDA Certificate is awarded on completion.

National Design Academy Workshops are open to all NDA students for a fee of £69 and to non-NDA students for a fee of £85.

We also have an Open Day coming up on 28th January. To attend you can book online or call 01159 1234 12.

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