INDEX Convention Saudi Arabia

192We are very excited to announce that the National Design Academy will be attending this year’s INDEX exhibition in Saudi Arabia on the 12th – 14th November 2013.

The INDEX KSA exhibition is a meeting place for the design industry in Saudi Arabia. The aim of this fantastic gathering of like-minded individuals is to help build and facilitate a wide range of business opportunities in the area.

This exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to get the National Design Academy in front of a large and engaged audience of Saudi Arabian nationals as well as expats. Our stand will be amongst a broad selection of other highly esteemed interior design brands.

Last year we attended the INDEX exhibition in Dubai and were extremely impressed with the level of interest and engagement with the NDA brand, consequently we have decided to stretch ourselves further afield and also promote our brand in Saudi Arabia. We believe that the student offering that we have here at the National Design Academy will complement perfectly the culture and way of life of the Saudi Arabian people. Online distance learning provides a flexible and personal approach to studying and all course work is completed at home and uploaded online via our Virtual Learning Studio. Each student is allocated a personal tutor who can be contacted via email or on the phone or Skype, Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm.

All of our Diploma qualifications are certified by AIM Awards and our BA (Hons) Degrees are accredited by Staffordshire University, allowing students to study with the NDA and gain a British qualification that will be recognised both in the UK and overseas.

To find out more information come and talk to us, we’ll be on stand D73 at Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events Madina Road, midway Airport, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The staff running our stand in Saudi will be Helen Keighley, Academy Director of Quality and Business here at NDA alongside Rola al-Zobai, Design Tutor for NDA.

Helen Keighley

Index Dubai was an excellent experience last May and we were impressed by the number of professionals working in interior design who were interested in taking their qualifications further. We were able to offer qualified architects the UK’s only online MA in Interior Design, which could be studied alongside their job. NDA offers the full range of courses to suit those with little experience, just a keen interest, to those seeking professional qualifications. We are delighted to be visiting Jeddah and hope you will come and talk to us on the stand.

Rola al-Zobai

Our participation in Index Dubai last May showed us the potential success of interior design in the Golf area, professionals and students are keen to be part of the new development in architecture and interior design. There is a big interest and support for the innovative learning styles as it offers students the opportunity to tailor their studies around individual lifestyle commitments. Our next visit with Index will be Jeddah, a rich city in diversity and culture. We are looking forward to meeting you there and discuss more about interior design!

We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information about the courses offered at NDA visit:

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