Increased fees coming for all new international degree students

2015182014 promises to offer an exciting year ahead for all international students at the National Design Academy. Over the past few years we have seen dramatically increased numbers of international students studying on one of our many interior design courses and this trend only seems to be getting stronger. Consequently, we have decided that the international market requires more investment in terms of time, marketing and student contact.

We consider every student that we have studying on one of our courses here at the National Design Academy to be of vital importance and we strive to ensure that the student experience is both of the highest academic quality as well as being an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Over the past year we have been busy working away on many different projects worldwide, one of which being the opening of a brand new international NDA office in Dubai. This has been a very exciting step for us all and we hope that our students in the UAE will begin to reap the benefits of having a National Design Academy point of contact so close to home. The office is based in Knowledge Village in Dubai and is staffed by one of our highly considered and talented design tutors, Rola al-Zobai who is not only a design education expert but also bi-lingual (Arabic and English).

Helen Keighley, Director of Quality and Business, has also been busy running trade shows across the globe, most recently at the INDEX KSA convention in Jeddah. The exhibition was a resounding success, Helen spent the entire time being inundated with information requests regarding the different courses run by the National Design Academy, most notably for our Masters Degree course. The KSA market definitely has a great deal of potential, with a large group of enthusiastic prospective students proving their unrivalled passion for interior design.

The latest international project that we have been working on is the creation of an international website. We are presently in the process of getting the website translated into Arabic as well as Turkish. However, we believe in offering a consistent and high quality service to all of our students and so, we will be looking to expand into further languages in the future, so watch this space!

As you can see, we have many exciting and interesting international projects ahead of us. As a consequence we will be putting up the price of our degree level courses to a total of £5,500. Although an increase in course fees is never an appealing or enjoyable change we hope that you will agree that this slight increase in cost will be surpassed by the increased level of service, contact and support that we will now and in the future, be able to offer our international student base.

This fee increase will take effect as of January 1st 2014 and will be for all new international degree level students. To take advantage of the present lower rates, enrol on a course before the 1st January 2014 and start the New Year with a new course and expand your knowledge of the design industry.

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