Ideal Home Show at Christmas

Ideal Home Show at Christmas.


Student Spotlight: Tracey Andrews

My name is Tracey Andrews, I’m an interior designer and my business is called Tracey Andrews Interiors. I studied through the NDA and I first of all took the diploma, through to the foundation and then finally to the degree.

I’m at The Ideal Home Show, because I was working one day and on my computer flashed up from LinkedIn, a proposal for a designer to design a set for the Ideal Home Show and this was to depict the perfect Christmas. I did some mood boards and put them through and I was selected as one of six designers and I was very very happy about that.

My design is called Nordic Meets Baroque. I am very much into an eclectic mix so I like to put different styles of periods and different types of furniture together.

So here, an example of how different lines, periods and geographic regions can all be mixed together successfully without jarring against each other. Each piece has been picked for their uniqueness and placed with thoughtful connection with other parts of the room. I like to apply accents on neutral backgrounds and pay particular attention to detail and elements of surprise. It’s a collision of simplicity and grandeur levelled with a hint of sparkle for Christmas.

I decided to study interior design because I wanted to offer more services to my clients, whereby at the time I was only offering curtains and soft furnishings and blinds. I love the diversity of the subject, I love the fact that you have to learn about architecture and you have to learn about spatial awareness and lots of colour theory and I also love the fact that you get to meet lots of interesting people, it’s a people’s profession and I really enjoy that part.

I chose the NDA because of its flexibility and also because it was an online course it enabled me to fit it in with my lifestyle. I did enjoy the course very much, I was so into the course that it didn’t really matter to me whether or not I found it difficult because I always found a way of finding the answers in the end, whether it was through the internet or going to the library or contacting an NDA tutor, who are always very very helpful.

I would definitely recommend the NDA to others, particularly to people that want to change their careers and also to people that have got families and they need to fit their studies around those responsibilities.

Right now, I have been practising as an interior designer since I graduated in 2012, but I was quite involved with that beforehand as well. But I do feel that the NDA has helped me to achieve this accomplishment.

If I could sum up the NDA in 3 words it would be “Well Worth It.”

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