National Design Academy Highlights of 2017

With the start of a new year, it is a great time to look back and reflect on the highlights and great achievements of our students and staff from the previous 12 months.

NDA 2017 Highlights

2017 was a great year for the NDA, not only did December mark the beginning of the 30th Anniversary, celebrating 30 years of student success, but the entire year bought growth, new accomplishments and continued high student satisfaction ratings, with larger than ever numbers of students enrolling.

To find out more about some of the highlights from 2017, watch our end of year highlights video below. The film put together by the fantastic NDA videography team, pulls together a selection of the key points from the year including clips from our interview with NDA Student of the Year 2017, Alex Nicolaidis.

Watch the video below:

We look forward to another great year of student success, and to more highlights we can include in our 2018 round up.

Thanks for reading!

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