Graduation 2011


The National Design Academy held its graduation ceremony as part of the Staffordshire University celebrations at Trentham Gardens on Friday 15th July. Unlike last year, the sun shone and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect allowing graduates and guests to stroll through the gardens in this ideal setting.

NDA had exceeded last year’s graduate total by almost 30% with 122 students gaining a Foundation Degree in Interior Design and the first 6 students gaining a BA (Hons) in Interior Design, two of those having gained First Class honours.

We were delighted to meet graduates and their families at a Champagne Reception before the ceremony. What was particularly noticeable was the support from families, many having 3 and even 4 generations present to celebrate their achievements. While the champagne flowed, graduates posed for photographs with their tutors and shared experiences with other students, some of whom they had never met.

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