Dubai Visit Update

The Academy Director and Director of Quality & Business missed the only days of the British summer recently, to visit Dubai, with a view to setting up a support hub in the United Arab Emirates.

NDA has over 30 students studying in the Middle East and we feel that the flexible learning approach offered by the Academy, is particularly suited to those who would like to gain an English degree but do not want to travel and would prefer to study at home.

The two directors, who were delighted to experience some heat, visited the Academic City out in the desert and the Knowledge Village. Both areas offer potential venues and partnerships that are being explored.

The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly meeting 4 of our students; 3 studying BA degrees and 1 taking the Diploma which will provide access to the BA (Hons). It was extremely useful to hear of the issues that students experienced studying in the UAE and we were able to reassure them that they were taking a genuine English BA (Hons) validated by Staffordshire University.

It was an excellent trip so watch this space for further news!

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