Last Chance for Diploma Funding

Did you know that due to Government cut backs, the funding currently available for accredited Further Education courses, including NDA Diplomas, will end in June 2013? As a result, the price of NDA Diplomas will increase substantially in the near future.

Don’t miss out! It really is the ideal time to enrol, whilst prices are still low.
Remember, The NDA Diplomas in Interior Design, Curtain Making & Soft Furnishings and Garden Design are accredited by AIM Awards (equivalent to A-Levels).

The Diplomas provide a great introduction to design that will develop the skills and confidence required to transform your hobby into your career.

Upon graduation, many of our students have successfully opened their own business or embarked on to further study with the NDA at degree level.

Interested? Enrolling only takes a few moments through our website. If you’re still undecided or have more questions why not contact us and we will be happy to help.

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What is UK Government Funding?

UK students pay approximately 50% of the full course fee – the balance is funded by the UK Government’s Adult education budget (AEB).

The National Design Academy is the only design school to be able to offer this funding as our Diplomas are all fully accredited by AIM Qualifications.