Day two at the KSA Index Event

13th November 2013

Wednesday afternoon saw Helen Keighley return to the National Design Academy stand at the KSA Index event. This time she was proudly joined by Hani Abd Elwarth and Ibrahim Mohammad Aljasem, two KSA students currently undertaking design courses with the National Design Academy.

The event got off to a slower start than the previous day but by 6pm the hall was once again filled with enthusiastic prospective students proving their unrivalled passion for interior design.


Below we hear from Helen about how she felt the day went.

“It was a truly fantastic experience to meet both Hani and Ibrahim, two very passionate NDA students. The help that they offered me on our stand at the Index convention was invaluable. Although the day got off to a slower start than the Tuesday session, by 6pm we were once again inundated with requests. The help offered by both Hani and Ibrahim ensured that not only did we get to talk with all interested parties but they were also able to offer a personal view point from their own experiences of studying at the National Design Academy.

Our most popular course was once again the MA in Interior Design from both interior designers as well as architects already working in the market. The focus tended to lean towards career enhancement instead of an evening hobby, thus emphasising the passion that the KSA students have to further their education and expand their knowledge of the design world.

I feel privileged to have met so many wonderful people here at the KSA Index convention and am excited and enthused by their unrivalled passion for design. I would like to once again take this opportunity to thank both Hani and Ibrahim for demonstrating such commitment and loyalty to both their courses and the National Design Academy as a whole.”


If you missed the convention but are still interested in a course with the National Design Academy, take a look through our various design course options.

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