Day one at the KSA Index Convention

12th November 2013

As 3pm approached Helen Keighley arrived at the Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events and got to work setting up the National Design Academy stand in preparation for the official opening time of the convention.

Having heavily researched the KSA market we knew there would be a great deal of interest in the courses offered at NDA, however, as 4pm hit Helen was overjoyed to be inundated with information requests from the many prospective students at the Index exhibition. It was wonderful to see so many budding design experts in the Saudi Arabian community and fantastic to experience such an overwhelming interest in our Masters of Arts Degree in Interior Design.

Below we hear from Helen about how she felt the day went.

“This is my first time in the KSA and I have been overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people that I have met and also the passion that the students hold for interior design. I was lucky enough to meet a whole range of people from undergraduate students to interior designers and even architects. The standard of education is high in the KSA so our Masters in Interior Design offers the perfect next step for many people already working within the industry.

I must also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Hani Abd Elwarth who has been invaluable in helping me to promote the National Design Academy on our stand here at the Jeddah Centre for Forums and Events. Having Hani work alongside me on the stand has enabled us to add an extra dimension to the information we provide as not only is he Arabic speaking but he is also presently studying with us here at the NDA. He has been able to demonstrate the design work he has completed on his course whilst also discussing his own personal view on the different options offered by the National Design Academy, as well as his reasons for choosing to study with us.

We’re looking forward to the next session on 13th November from 4pm – see you there!”

Don’t forget to pop in and take a look around our stand, the address of the convention is: Jeddah Centre for Forums & Events Madina Road, midway Airport Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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