Clearing Isn’t the End of the World if You Want to Study Interior Design

NDA Tutor with BA (Hons) graduates

Didn’t get the A Level or BTEC results you expected? Clearing doesn’t have to be scary! In fact, it could be the best thing that ever happened to your university options!

In 2020, over 70,000 students got their university place through clearing and an increasing number of students are deferring their start date due to the uncertainty of Covid-19. So, if you find yourself having to change your plans for your interior design degree you might find other options you’d never considered before, like learning online!

You only need one A-Level in art to enrol on our BA (Hons) in Interior Design programs which consists of completing a Foundation Degree course (equivalent to years 1&2 of a degree course) as well as the BA (Hons) level (equivalent to year 3).

Our Degree courses are awarded by De Montfort University and are internationally recognised. DMU have been rated in the top 3% of the world’s universities by The Times so you’re not sacrificing a good degree from a top institution when you go through clearing. You also take part in DMU’s graduation ceremony – Covid-permitting!

You’re also getting a degree which has been designed by experts in their field! All of our tutors have worked as top interior designers and love the subject they teach. You get dedicated tutor support via email, Skype, telephone and Zoom wherever possible throughout your interior design degree.

You also have total flexibility and control over your study and timing so in effect, you could complete the whole BA (Hons) course in less time than if you had studied at a university or you could spread it over more years and get experience in the work place at the same time.

We also offer four choices when it comes to interior design degrees – BA (Hons) Interior Design, BA (Hons) Heritage Design, BA (Hons) Design for Outdoor Living, and for those who want to specialise in commercial interior design, BA (Hons) Retail Design. These courses are unique to the NDA, so there’s another bonus of clearing!

Counting the Cost of Clearing

Then there’s the cost. Our online degrees will save you money! If you decide to pay for the course in full it will currently cost you under £5250. This can also be covered by a UK student loan. These figures are fraction of what you would have to fork out if going down the traditional higher education route by as much as 38%!

All the course material is delivered online through our Virtual Learning Studio (VLS) and can be accessed on any computer, tablet or phone. Also, the support our students receive in enviable, with a dedicated team of highly skilled tutors contactable by phone or email throughout the week. So every step of the way, you will be supported.

Calm down and don’t panic, clearing could help you more than you think! The Uni Guide also has a great Clearing Survival Guide if you want to know more about your options.

For more information about our Degree courses, call us on 0115 9123412 to speak to a member of the team or email our admissions team.

View Our Interior Design Degree Student Gallery

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One Response

  1. Very nice blog for some of use who seriously searching for a study Interior design in Education. I wish you guide me to get a study interior design. Thank you for the good work.

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