Case Study: Celia Millward

“After I made the decision to change my career path from Physiotherapy to Interior Design at the age of 21, I was lucky enough to find the NDA. The NDA offered an affordable and flexible option of study. This worked really well for me as I was able to fit it around a part time job, which meant I was able to fund it myself and not rely on my parents!

I studied the Foundation Degree in Interior Design. The course itself was varied and interesting. The deadlines set are easily achievable if you are able to put in the hours. I would advise anyone looking to study at the NDA to make the most of all the workshops on offer, as soon as possible during the course. These are extremely helpful in developing your skills and making your work of a higher standard.

I graduated in July this year, after just under 2 years of studying. As I was working part time I was always able to get my work in before the deadline, which definitely helped reduce the last minute panic! A method I would strongly advise.

After graduating, I applied for many many jobs and after just a couple of weeks of looking, I spotted a job working on the Design and Development team at Jamie’s Italian International. As soon as I saw the job description I knew it was the job for me. After a gruelling eight week interview process, I landed the job of my dreams! I am loving work, which is something I didn’t really believe was possible..

I couldn’t have got this job without the qualification I gained through the NDA. I would encourage anyone who is considering to study at the NDA to do it! As long as you are motivated, focused and passionate about learning then this method of study will be perfect for you.

The tutors are all lovely and really helpful. Utilise the forums as they are very helpful and it’s good to know other students are going through the same as you!

And finally, thank you to the NDA and all the staff. Choosing to study this way was a very positive experience for me and helped me get where I am today, so THANK YOU!”

Celia Millward, 23, London.

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