Enter the New Design Britain Awards 2014!

Following on from our reviews of Interiors UK and the New Design Britain Award winners in the Furniture and Accessories categories, we would like to invite NDA students to enter the awards for 2014!
Interiors UK is the largest UK exhibition dedicated to interiors – this is your chance to be a part of it!
The categories available for entries are;
Furnishing Accessories (lighting, tableware, decorative & soft furnishings)
Surface coverings (surfaces for wall & ceiling)
Furniture (cabinet, bedroom, kitchen – internal & external furniture)
Fabrics (textiles & fabrics for curtains & upholstery)
There will be a winner from each of the product sectors. Winners will each win a placement with a leading industry supplier.
How to enter
The awards are open to undergraduates or postgraduates. Students must return the completed application form by Friday 26th July 2013 and supporting material by Friday 4th October 2014 which must include: Working drawings (photocopies acceptable), a brief description outlining progress from original concept, design, making and function (no more than 500 words) with colour photographs of the items.
For more information or to request an entry form please contact: Tony Hollyer on 01223 871 618 or email ahollyer@o2.co.uk
Find out more information at www.interiorsuk.com/NDB2014


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