Brabantia and NDA Pimp Our Print Competition

The Pimp Our Print competition drew to a close on 22nd October 2013 and it was all hands on deck here at the National Design Academy as we strove to compile a complete list of all NDA entries for the Brabantia competition.

We were overwhelmed with the number of quality entries for the Pimp Our Print competition and very proud to see so many of our talented students benefiting from the opportunity to demonstrate some of their newly acquired design skills and talents.

The first stage of the judging process is well underway and led by our expert in-house interior designers; Anthony Rayworth, Director of Studies, as well as our highly respected Senior Tutor, Vicky Arbuthnot. Following a lengthy review process Anthony and Vicky have finally decided on 3 finalists to be entered into the second stage of judging.

We are proud to announce that the three finalists being entered into the second round of judging for the NDA competition are: Elizabeth Henshaw, Orlando de Faria as well as Wendy Reed. A big congratulations to our 3 NDA finalists and we wish you the best of luck for the final judging session.

Here’s what the judges thought of the finalists work.

Elizabeth Henshaw: Turkish Bath

“We selected this design for its extraordinary attention to detail, excellent use of colour and a high level of digital application. The sophisticated use of pattern evokes the art deco era in a fresh and contemporary manner.”

Orlando de Faria: The Pattern

“This design was selected for its aura of tranquillity and stylised interpretation of sugar cane. With its almost retro approach to pattern making, this design evidences depth and layering to great effect.”

Wendy Reed: Tea Tree

“This whimsical design is beautifully illustrated with great depth of character and playfulness. The culture of tea, coffee and cake is interpreted in a celebratory and light-hearted manner.”

The second round of judging will be announced shortly.

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