The Academy Award for best production design goes to…

…La La Land!

Along with the 5 other awards picked up by the picture, the best production design award went to critically acclaimed set designer Sandy Reynolds-Wasco. The 2016 film starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone (winner of Best Actress) is full of colour and intrisic detail which adds to the overall theme of the film.

La La Land interior design

Sandy Reynolds-Wasco

The film contains a mix of ‘real-life’ sets and ‘sets within sets’ which creates an eclectic look and plenty of opportunities for Sandy to show off her skills. This is not the only film she has worked on, and some of the other iconic sets she has worked on may surprise you…

La La Land production design

Set design La La Land

Set Design Fifty shades of grey

Most recently, Sandy was responsible for the luxurious sets in Fifty Shades of Grey but previous worked on sets which were a little more gritty and blood filled, Pulp Fiction (1994) being one of these.

Pulp fiction Set Design

She has also worked on Inglorious Bastards (2009), Kill Bill: Vol 1 & 2 (2003/2004) and Reservoir Dogs (1992).

Set design Inglorious bastards

Kill Bill interior design

Reservoir Dogs set design

As you can see from all examples above Sandy Reynolds-Wasco is able to turn her hand at a wealth of different styles and very deserving of this award.

Well done Sandy!




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