Anthony Rayworth Judges for New Design Britain Awards

2012 Winner James Uren

National Design Academy Director of Studies, Anthony Rayworth, was delighted to once again appear on the judging panel for the New Design Britain Awards in co-operation with the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers.

The New Design Britain Awards are one of the most important competitions in the UK for young design talent, giving recognition to students for innovative and ground-breaking work and providing an opportunity for INTERIORS UK to encourage new young stars and look to the future of the furniture industry.

2012 Winner Rachel Hagger

The judges this year are;
Anthony Rayworth, NDA
Rob Scarlett, Freelance Furniture Designer
Martin Rapko, Willis Gambier Furniture
Mark Hutchinson, Mark Hutchinson Furniture

The judging and short listing of finalists in the categories of ‘Furniture’ and ‘Furnishing Accessories’ took place this week at the Worshipful Company Furniture Makers Hall, an elegant Queen Anne town house in Austin Friars in the heart of the City of London.

Anthony explains how the judging process works: “It is always interesting to see new concepts from recent graduates and this year was no exception. The judging process is organic, beginning by looking at all the entries individually, then re-looking to be absolutely clear in one’s own mind that the correct decision has been made. We are asked to select four entries from each category to go through to the next stage, which is not an easy task!

2012 Winner Roland Beaven

Discussion then takes place between the four judges; I particularly enjoy this aspect of the process as all people view things from a different perspective and this discussion provides a glimpse into how other creative minds work. A consensus is usually reached fairly amicably, but there are always tough decisions to be made as the standard of work, both in terms of clarity of concept and quality of presentation is very high.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing the finished pieces at Interiors UK in January 2013, when the judges come together again to select the overall winner from our four shortlisted entries.”

Each winner will be awarded a placement at a leading industry supplier. Last year’s winners of the New Design Britain Awards were Sophie Adamson, Roland Beaven, James Uren and Rachel Hagger – all have gone on to have success within the interiors industry.

2012 Winner Sophie Adamson

The Award categories are:

    • Furnishing accessories – includes lighting, tableware, decorative and soft furnishings
    • Surface coverings – includes surfaces for wall and ceiling
    • Furniture – includes cabinet, bedroom, kitchen – internal and external furniture
    • Fabrics – includes textiles & fabrics for curtains and upholstery
  • Judges choice – award presented to the product or design that has involved the most innovative use of materials and function. All entries will be considered for this award

We will be publicising how to enter the Awards for 2014 to NDA students, as we feel there is plenty of talent for our students to enter, particularly the ‘Surface Coverings’ and ‘Fabrics’ categories. More information will follow after the 2013 event.

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