And the winner of the NDA National Design Award 2011 is…

Following hundreds of entries received from across the country and a rigorous judging process, we’re very excited to announce Grace Moulder from Darlington, as the NDA National Design Award 2011 winner!
The competition was to design the interior of a £1million Penthouse apartment within the multi-award winning RiverCrescent development in Nottingham.
Not only has Grace scooped the huge £3,000 cash prize, she will work with NDA Private Clients, the interior design practice of the National Design Academy to make her design come true!
Not only this, but Grace will also receive a professional portfolio of photographs of her design and a one year student membership of the British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) funded by NDA.
When Grace was told about her win she was thrilled with the exciting news, Knowing this was a national competition I realised the standards must have been very high, so I am so proud of all that I have achieved and that my hard work has paid off! 
I look forward to coming to work with the design team and hope that my genuine enthusiasm and passion for Interior design will shine through. I will treasure all the experience I gain and I am hopeful that it will give me the confidence to succeed in the design world! Thanks again to the NDA and all that was involved in giving me such a fantastic opportunity.”
A huge well done to the 5 short listed designers!
Kathrine Charles from London who’s recently graduated from Middlesex University, she said,  “Thank you very much for considering my design and congratulations to the winner! I look forward to meeting you all at the VIP evening.”
  Erika Davies
Erika Davies from Hampshire and studies at Southampton Solent University said,Taking part in the National Design Award 2011 has been an invaluable experience, and a great opportunity to apply my passion for interior design to a real-world brief. To have been short-listed is fantastic and will provide a great stepping stone into becoming a freelance designer, as well as a great addition to my portfolio.”
Julian Potts from Bath and currently studies at KLC School of Design, “Thank you very much for running this competition– I really enjoyed researching the scheme and coming up with a concept as well as trying to do something interesting with the living area and all within the constraints of a budget … it’s scary how easy it is to use up the £100,000. It was very motivating to know that the winner gets their scheme built, and I would like to congratulate Grace on getting that fantastic opportunity! I am also really pleased to have been short listed. I just need to find someone else who needs a penthouse fitting out now!”
Our very own student Karen Lane from Lincoln said, “the penthouse apartment was a fabulous plan to work on and I was absolutely thrilled to be told that my design had been placed in the top five.  This is the first ‘national’ Interior Design competition I have entered and to get this far is very encouraging for the future of my business.  I would like to congratulate Grace Moulder for her winning design and look forward to seeing her finished scheme in situ later this year at the award ceremony.
  Nicola Dejewski
Nicola Dejewski  from Nottinghamshire who studies at Nottingham Trent University saidThank you to all the judges, I am really excited to be named as a shortlisted designer. This is the first design competition I have entered and I’m very proud of the outcome. I really enjoyed working on the project and am over the moon that my hard work has been acknowledged by the National Design Academy. I am now looking forward to completing my final year at Nottingham Trent University and a successful career in the design industry.”
The short listed designers will also win a one year student membership of BIID, an NDA workshop of their choice and a coveted NDA National Design Award trophy.
The judges were impressed with the high standard of work submitted and indicated that the process of short listing had been a very enjoyable and challenging experience. Following lively debate and discussion, the extensive judging panel reached agreement on the winning design. The decision was based on clear criteria, particularly the commercially realistic interpretation of the client brief.
Anthony Rayworth, NDA Director of Studies (pictured in the centre on right) said “the standard of work was exceptional and I would be happy to implement many of the designs in my own apartment”.
The NDA National Design Award 2011 ceremony will take place at a Champagne Press Reception to be held in the completed penthouse this later this autumn so keep your eyes open for that! You can keep up to date with the installation process and the events at the ceremony by visiting the competition blog NDA National Award 2011
 Marianne Shillingford Creative Director of Dulux (pictured left) said,Grace has captured the essence of luxurious living in a style that is both understated and elegant. The mineral palette of colours and clever use of materials and shapes is simply stunning.”
The competition was a huge success, attracting students from a wide variety of colleges and universities throughout the UK along with entries from keen amateurs, all with individual tastes, talent and designs. We’d like to thank all of the colleges and universities who supported the competition and gave their students encouragement to enter.

Owner of the penthouse, Ian Roberts, (also pictured above on left) found it extremely difficult to choose between the 6 short listed designs,I would like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to submit designs, the response was overwhelming. I would also like to thank the NDA for organising the competition and my fellow judges whose guidance I could not have done without. 

The quality, innovation and creativity of the short listed entries exceeded my expectations and selecting a single winner was very difficult.  I congratulate Grace and really look forward to working with her and the NDA to deliver what will be a world class interior to a breathtaking apartment.”
Academy Director and Judge, Pauline Riley, (pictured left) was impressed by the high standard of entries, “At the National Design Academy we believe it is important to support and showcase talented design students in this difficult economic climate. I am delighted that the competition has been so well received by the design profession, university tutors and employers who encouraged so many young talented designers to enter. 
The quality of entries confirms my belief that design graduates have unique skills to offer. They are original thinkers, problem solvers, project managers and they know how to meet deadlines! They are very desirable graduates.”

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