3D Printing: Interior and Architectural Product Design

Since 3D printing burst onto the scenes, design has come along way. Designers have incorporated the new technology form into; fashion, jewellery, interior, architectural projects as well as a 3d printed jet engine design for aviation, 3d printed components for medical devices and even prosthetic limb 3d printing creations. Drastically improving cost, speed and projected manufacturing time scales of projects, we look at the ways in which 3D printing is revolutionising the way in which we design. We take a look at several companies whose projects utilize 3D printing in their design process.

Interior Design:

“A house is more than just the walls, the aesthetic design and feel to the interior is also of great importance” says Design company Emerging Objects, who have created a 3D printed interior for a 3D printed house. “These interiors are large, decorative walls or “vessels” within the house that look like huge sculptures from the outside” they state referencing their design. Using both cement polymer as well as their own material Saltygloo they are rapidly able to construct lightweight, interior walls to divide interior space.

3d printing Interior architectural design by emerging objects

Exterior Construction:

Whilst Chinese company Winsun have sped up their construction process by printing their required modules with a 3d printer, meaning they can make up to x10 houses in a day. “We built houses with a 3D Printer, which are 20 feet tall, 33 feet wide and 132 feet long in less than 24 hours. The parts, such as frame and wall were printed separately. Such a new type of 3D-printed structure is environment-friendly and cost-effective. All materials used were created from recycled construction waste, industrial waste and tailings.” See the whole construction process on their blog.


3d printed mansion wall 3d printing interior design

Interior Structures:


Architect Brian Peters is co-founder of architecture studio Design Lab Workshop and is currently working with DUS Architects to create a large 3D printer for making full-scale structures. He adapted a desktop 3D printer to produce ceramic bricks to help build interior architectural structures with an aesthetic edge.“I’ve been working with desktop 3D printers for the past couple of years and wanted to transform the machine to build something on a larger, more architectural scale,” Peters said, using his skills gained on a 6-week residency at the European Ceramic Work Centre on a larger, architectural scale.


To match 3D printed houses and interiors, designers have now started to design 3d printed furniture to match.

Designer Richard Little, founder of UK firm Cohda have 3d printed a binary furniture collection that look like flowing liquid creations. Printed by (FOC) Freedom of Creative, the binary table combines the principles of the Spirograph toy of the 1960’s with 3D printing to revolutionise the furniture design process. 


Swedish 3D printing design studio Front have also created a furniture line ‘Sketch’ that allows customers to make a rough sketch of their own furniture design and literally bring that rough sketch to life. By recording sketches made in the air with motion capture, the drawings are then turned into 3D digital files and then 3D printed as real furniture like the chair below.

Sketch furniture line by Front. Interior furniture design by 3d printing Below is an example of where 3d printing could enhance the aesthetic beauty and design of household furniture design. The Hive Side table designed by Chris Kabatsi for Arktura currently uses a laser cutting process to create the intricate, cellular pattern below out of steel, before being powder coated. But with the ability to quickly printing ornate designs by 3d printer, tables like this could soon be available. Printed in one piece instead of the in-depth design process currently used, means cost-effective, rapidly produced 3d printed prototypes could soon be the better design option.

CHRIS KABATSI FOR ARKTURA 3d printing interior design table design



Designed by Patrick Jouin and produced by Materialise, the Bloom lighting design combines traditional craft works with modern technology. The articulated shade opens and closes to look like a blooming lotus flower. Bloom is 3D printed in one piece, including the shade so requires no assembly. Or see the beautifully formed, 3d printed shades below, considered and effective designed by using recycled plastics.

3D PRINTED LAMP SHADE interior design furniture concept

Whilst design company Nervous System ‘work at the intersection of science, art, and technology, drawing inspiration from natural phenomena’, to create we create 3d printed products including jewellery, clothing, interior furnishings and lighting designs.

Their Hyphae Lamps are a series of generative lamps inspired by how veins form in leaves. Each  ornate design is unique, an organic lamp design that is digitally simulated before being fabricated with 3D printing. Their designs evoke the natural form of leaves, coral, and roots without copying any exact natural form or pattern, to create dramatic, aetherial shadows on their surroundings.

The Hyphae Lamp shade collection by Nervous Ssytem. 3d printed lighting design. 3d priting interior design concepts

With the growing popularity and proven speed and cost-effectiveness of 3d printing, we have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more 3d printed designs in the near future.

References & Case Study Project Sources:
Rodolfo Lentejas Jr. 2014. Inside 3dp.com. . Accessed 15.05.15Rodolfo Lentejas Jr. 2014. Inside 3dp.com. http://www.inside3dp.com/chinese-dutch-experiment-3d-printed-houses/. Accessed 15.05.15Engineers build 3d printed jet engine via The Engineer: http://www.theengineer.co.uk/news/engineers-build-3d-printed-jet-engine/1020365.article. Accessed 15.05.143d printed prosthetic limbs via the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31151088. Accessed 15.05.153d printing designs for medical usage. Statasys: http://www.stratasys.com/industries/medical. Accessed 15.05.15Construction company Winsun 3d printing architectural interior design house project. . Accessed 15.05.153D Printing Architectural Design Projects. . Accessed 14.05.153D printed steel structural components, Interior design meets architecture. Dezeen. http://www.dezeen.com/2014/06/11/arup-3d-printed-structural-steel-building-components/. Accessed 15.05.153D Printing Interior Architecture House Design by Emerging Objects. http://www.emergingobjects.com/projects/3d-printed-house-1-0/. Accessed 14.05.153d Printed Binary Furniture by Cohnda. http://www.cohda.com/projects/binary-furniture/.
Accessed Printing architectural interior wall panels. By Diyful. . Accessed 14.05.15Dezeen. 2012. Interior Architecture 3d printing interior bricks. http://www.dezeen.com/2012/10/31/building-bytes-3d-printed-bricks-brian-peters/. Accessed 14.05.153D printed Architectural wall panels. . Accessed 15.5.1511 best 3d printed furniture. By Robert Bridgman. http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/printed-furniture.html. Accessed 14.05.15Chris Kabatsi Arktura Hive Desk Design. http://www.popartdecorations.com/fashion-style/hive-side-table-by-chris-kabatsi-from-arktura. Accessed 14.05.15

Bloom 3d printing lighting design concept by Materialise. http://www.mgxbymaterialise.com/limited-editions/mgxmodel/detail/detail/71. Accessed 14.05.15

3d printing interior design Lighting concepts by Nervous System via CGTrader. http://www.cgtrader.com/blog/how-to-use-3d-printing-to-turn-your-house-into-an-urban-crib. Accessed 15.05.15

3d printing interior design Lighting concepts by Nervous System. http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/projects/tags/3dprint/albums/hyphae/. Accessed 14.05.15

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21 responses

  1. You made an excellent post on it. Your presentation style is very good. Its contain lots of information and tips I need.ery informative, I’ll definitely give these 5 stars Thanks for sharing this great article.

  2. Architectural wall panels and Architectural wall systems also have the chances to using 3D deign to the office architecture.

  3. I will share this information with my friends and they will certainly love to read thisVery informative, I’ll definitely give these 5 stars.

  4. Hi, could anyone please tell me who did create this first interior future 3D design ?
    An email of this company or that person would be nice.

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Ray,

      The first 3D printed interior in the above images has been produced by a company called ‘Emerging Objects’. The project itself is called ‘3D Printed House 1.0’

      The NDA Team

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