BIID Seminar: Fees and Getting Paid: The Big Debate

203On Tuesday 3rd December at 6pm design enthusiasts began flooding into the Charles Darwin House in London to attend a prestigious BIID seminar entitled: Fees and Getting Paid: The Big Debate.

This is a vital topic that needs to be covered and clearly understood by all designers no matter the level of experience or size of business. Anthony Rayworth, Director of Studies was in attendance representing all at the National Design Academy, networking with like-minded individuals as well as picking up new tips and engrossing himself in the knowledge and thoughts of the expert speaker.

Natalie Crowder, a recent NDA graduate from the Interior Design Diploma course, was also in attendance reaping the benefits of meeting many different interior design enthusiasts whilst gaining vital knowledge when it comes to the financial element of business. Below we hear from Natalie on how she thinks the event went.

“As a recent graduate in Interior Design and a beginner in the industry I found this event to be very useful and informative. I came with a general idea on a charging structure for my services but this really helped me to understand the various elements I might face down the line. The way the event was set out, allowing members to share their experiences, was invaluable.

Each individual, including those on the panel, had varying practices but also very different clients, types and scales of projects. This resulted in varied pricing strategies and highlighted things to be aware of in the industry.

Though there was not a definitive answer to what is ‘the right way’ to charge fees it was helpful to me to take away key points that will help me in my future direction. Giving me a good insight into things that I should watch out for and procedures that are good practice to ensure the client and myself are always happy.”

Many thanks for the review Natalie and we hope to see you at another seminar in the near future.

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